Rebecca (Becky) Delventhal
I started as a faculty member in the Biology department of Lake Forest College in the Fall of 2020. Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University in New York City, NY, studying mechanisms underlying brain injury and neurodegenerative disease, using the fruit fly as a model organism. I also taught as an adjunct instructor at Columbia, Yeshiva College, and Bard College during my postdoctoral training. I completed my PhD at Yale University in CT, where I studied how insects taste their environment and served as a Teaching Fellow for several undergraduate biology courses. I attended a small liberal arts college, Macalester College in St. Paul, MN, where I majored in Biology, with minors in Chemistry & Psychology. When not in the research lab or classroom, I like to hang out with my dogs (Oliver & Olivia) and husband, cook elaborate NYTimes recipes, garden, workout, and puzzle.
Maria Jose (Majo) Orozco Fuentes '24
I am a neuroscience and psychology double major with a strong interest in traumatic brain injury and its effect on metabolic functions such as fertility and development. I have enjoyed learning about the brain and discovering many questions I have about how it works and how it heals and ages. My passion for neuroscience has extended into many of my extracurricular activities such as Synapse and my service fraternity. I enjoy playing guitar, violin and singing as well as doing yoga and reading. I am planning on doing a Ph.D in Developmental Neuroscience and continue exploring the brain’s plasticity and resiliency as well as its vulnerability.
Otoha Tatami '24
I am an Environmental Studies and French double major with an Art History minor. I have been a part of the Delventhal lab since the summer of my freshman year. I have enjoyed doing several projects with the Drosophila melanogaster from traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in female fruit flies to observing development of flies of different genetic lines; which led me to discover my interest in research oriented work. On campus I am involved in the Japanese Cultural Club and in my free time, I like to watch sports, tv shows, and movies as well as spend time with friends.
Becca Ray '24
I’m a neuroscience and psychology double major with an interest in how the nervous system regulates homeostatic mechanisms and behavior, most specifically sleep and circadian rhythms. Neurodegenerative diseases are also an interest of mine, and while I currently work with D. melanogaster, I’ve also worked with mice studying Alzheimer’s Disease. In the future, I want to pursue a Ph.D. and continue to do research full time afterwards. Outside the lab, I love doing anything outdoors, running, cycling, camping, and I’m on the cross country and track team here at Lake Forest. I’m also part of Nu Rho Psi, Eukaryon, and our service fraternity on campus. I love art and music but definitely don’t get to do it as often as I’d like. I love traveling and eating food, and I’m most likely watching a Star Wars movie at any point. 😊
Jorge Garcia '24
Teresa Louro '25
Daniel Tulchinskiy '25
I am double majoring in neuroscience and biology with a minor in chemistry on the pre-med track. I am interested in the difference between singular, more severe traumatic brain injuries (SD TBI) versus multiple, less severe traumatic brain injuries (MD TBI) regarding neurodegeneration. Using Drosophila, I am currently looking at how lifespans, climbing (a locomotor activity), and protein aggregation can be affected by the MD versus SD TBIs. In the future, I want to study a peptide known as Corazonin , which is associated with being a hormone when stress is induced. Outside of the lab, I am on the Varsity Men’s Tennis team, Treasurer of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology club, and a member of the Health Professions Program. I also spend a lot of time volunteering in the emergency room at Good Shephard Hospital in Barrington as well as an organization known as Great Lakes Adaptive Sports Association, where I play tennis with people who have disabilities.
Inés Riojas '25
I am double majoring in neuroscience and environmental studies because I truly believe science is interconnected. I enjoy delving into topics and exploring their molecular and environmental aspects, which is why focusing on Drosophila genetic knockdowns and their impact in development, lifespan and population dynamics is incredibly interesting. In the future I'm hoping to pursue exciting research in both areas. I'm looking forward to learn more about the genetics behind neurodegenerative diseases. Outside of lab I'm a member of the dance team and French Club, and I enjoy hanging out with friends, rollerskating and exploring Chicago :)
Doyinsola Ogunshola '26
I am double majoring in neuroscience and African American Studies with a minor in chemistry, on a pre-med track. Few things interest me more than the brain and I love making links between different forms of societal discrimination and medicine. I hope to learn everything there is to know about TBI and make some parallels with neurodegenerative diseases. Outside the lab, I am the secretary of the United Black Association. Going into my sophomore year, I hope to join STEM clubs like Synapse and Eukaryon. I enjoy dancing, reading, and spending time with friends and family. In the future, I hope to complete an MD, Ph.D. program and specialize in neurodegeneration treatment.
Lab Alumni
Neal Schaffer '21
Hannah Turnage '23
I am a neuroscience major and a chemistry and entrepreneurship double minor on the pre-health track. I am interested in neuroscience because I think it is fascinating how different components of the brain can have such a profound impact on the rest of the nervous system. I also think it is interesting how complex the brain is and there is still so much to learn about it. I love volunteering and helping in the community as I am the Vice President of Foundation of my sorority and volunteer at the Lake Forest Hospital. I am planning to go to medical school and become a physician. I also like to stay active as I am a goalie on the Women’s Ice Hockey team at school, and I enjoy playing tennis, snowboarding and water skiing.
Maddy Morland '23
Kamden Kuklinski '23
I currently am working on a B.S. in neuroscience with a minor in chemistry. I am interested in comparing the neuroinflammatory response of D. melanogaster to a single, severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) versus a weaker, repeated TBI. I am particularly curious how differences in the severity and temporal accumulation of a TBI could translate to differences in metabolism and the expression of anti-microbial peptide genes. I hope to pursue research professionally, but I am also interested in medicine and health care as well. I am an avid chess fan and I like to play guitar whenever I have time!